Benefits of Dog Daycare and Boarding Sydney

There are four main reasons why to choose dog daycare and boarding:

1. Socialization

Socialisation with other dogs is important for preventing anti-social behaviours. Dog daycare and boarding in Sydney can help preventing dog reactivity, anxiety and aggression towards other dogs.

Early and consistent positive socialization with other dogs is the most important thing you can do with your dog. It’s critical for their healthy development.

2. Learning Social Cues

Dogs need to be around other dogs to learn how to socialise in their own way. If dogs don’t get proper exposure to other dogs early on, they’ll have a hard time reading others and get into more conflicts later in life. It’s almost like they never learned the canine language.

3. Exercise

We all know that our dogs need exercise but very few people are actually doing enough about it. We simply don’t have the time to run our dogs enough and/or we can’t give them the intensity they crave.

Walks are nice but it might be very difficult to fulfill the needs of a high energy dog.  Nothing can replicate the energy expenditure of dogs playing together. That constant wresting is the optimal way to provide them the outlet they so desperately need.

4. You Get A Break

Dogs can be a lot of work and it can be exhausting from time to time. Sending your dog to doggy daycare gives you a much needed break. It’s like sending your kids to camp. They’re out of your hair, happily occupied and come home nice and tired. It’s a win – win.

dog daycare and boarding sydney



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