The Benefits of Puppy School

Advice from Puppy School Sydney Inner West

Did you know that the first 16 weeks of a dog’s life is a critical for their development, and she will remember everything that happens to her during this time for the rest of her life. This is why it’s the most important time for socialisation.

Within the first 16 weeks, puppies should be positively exposed to as many new people, animals and experiences as possible to avoid fearfulness later in life. However, they are not fully vaccinated until about 18 weeks, and it’s recommended that you don’t take your puppy to the local dog park before then.

Puppy school Sydney Inner West is a secure environment where your new pet can mingle with other puppies and people and be introduced to obedience training as well.

And you as an owner will gain knowledge and skills to raise a healthy, happy, well-mannered dog that you can take anywhere!

1st Class: Basic Obedience:

Learn how dogs learn and how to train your puppy (Sit, Down, Stay, Recall). Learn the basics of toilet training.

2nd Class: Socialisation:

Learn about dogs’ body language and how to prevent behavioural issues. Learn the importance of proper socialisation and how to do it right with other dogs and people, sounds and objects.

3rd Class: Polite Manners:

Learn how to greet & meet in a polite manner. Learn polite leash manners.

4th Class: Mental Stimulation:

Learn how to entertain your puppy & keep them mentally stimulated to prevent destructive behaviours at home.

You will learn:

Basics of dog training

How to support your puppies growth into a balanced adult dog

Skills to prevent problems

Toilet training basics

How to entertain your puppy

Your puppy will learn in our Puppy Training School Sydney:

Basic Obedience & Tricks

Leash manners

Polite and friendly greeting and meeting manners

Sound proof training

Socialisation training with different objects (vacuum cleaner, skate board, Wheelchair etc.)


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