Have you ever noticed your dog excessively licking, biting, or scratching a specific area on their body?

Advice from Dog Grooming in Mascot!

Hot spots are typically caused by an inflammatory insult, such as allergies, insect bites, or other causes of itch. Hot spots are most common on the back or rump of dogs due to flea-allergy and behind the ears, due to ear infections.

Even though hot spots can occur in just about any breed of dog, breeds with longer coats seem to be more prone to this skin condition. Especially during warmer summer months and  when it is humid.

Treatment involves a combination of anti-inflammatory medications, antiseptics, and a local treatment for the wound.

Hot spots might recur, therefore the best prevention is to address the underlying cause. This includes consistent flea prevention, treatment of ear infections, and identifying and managing allergies.

Our Puppy Playground Dog Grooming in Mascot caters all of your needs from medicated baths to flea treatments and full grooms!

Source: Digital Marketing

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