Poodle Grooming Tips from Dog Grooming salon in Sydney

Poodle fur is really hair, meaning that it’s softer than most dogs’ fur and it grows continuously. Puppies have very soft hair that often grows wavy instead of curly. Poodle hair transitions from puppy hair to adult hair usually somewhere between 9 and 18 months of age.

They do shed, just like any other breed, but their curly hair traps the shed hair so it doesn’t fall out. Instead, this shed hair develops into mats and tangles unless regularly groomed. Adult Poodles have a thick, dense, coarse, single-layer coat of curly hair that ranges from soft curls to near-ringlets.

Professional dog grooming at least every 6 weeks is highly recommended for poodles.

Brushing and combing is recommended for maintenance, unless your groom style of choice is “shaved.”

Poodle grooming styles in our dog grooming salon in Sydney

There are many different styles you can choose from. Show trim with all those poufs and pompoms is certainly a sight! The two acceptable show grooming styles for adult Poodles are called the “English Saddle” and the “Continental.”

Luckily, in addition to these two ornate show styles, you also have plenty of other Poodle grooming styles to choose from.

For example, these popular styles are easier, faster and much more practical for the modern-day Poodle’s daily life.

The puppy clip

For poodles under 12 months. Face, feet and tail shaved and the remainder scissor-clipped. A topknot is optional.

The lamb clip

Excellent for winter. All hair is clipped to the same short length.

The teddy bear clip

This clip leaves your Poodle looking more like a classic teddy bear, with hair evenly clipped throughout.

The bikini clip (aka the “Miami clip”)

Fur is shaved on the tail, face and feet with the remaining fur trimmed to a uniform length as desired.

The kennel clip (aka the “utility clip”)

This clip features a topknot and tail pouf, with the remaining fur scissor-clipped to a uniform length except for the face and feet.

The town and country clip

The belly, face, neck and feet are shaved. The remaining fur is left long.

Professional Dog Grooming Sydney

Our Dog Grooming Services In Sydney!

We care for your dogs from head to tail! Let us not only make your dog look great but feel great as well!

Highly qualified, experienced and skilled in all aspects of dog grooming in Sydney, our groomer uses only positive reinforcement techniques giving you a peace of mind knowing your best friend will leave our Day Spa looking and feeling fabulous.

All dogs need a bit of dog grooming, some more than others.

Maintaining a healthy coat, improved appearance and smell might be as easy as giving your dog a nice professional bath!

No matter what breed your dog is or coat type they have, they all need a little bit of help to look and feel their best. Grooming isn’t just cutting hair or making your dog look good, but it also helps keeping your dog’s skin healthy and provides their coat with a protective barrier.

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